
St Stephen's CE Primary SchoolTBC


Welcome toSt Stephen's CE Primary SchoolTBC


Robinwood Parents' Information Meeting Slides

Welcome back to a new half term and a brand new school year! We are looking forward to be embarking on the very last full year that your children will have at St Stephen’s! A great journey awaits and we have many wonderful things to learn and do before they leave us in July.

Y6 is an incredible year with many challenges but many great opportunities as well. We have discussed these already as a class and we know this class can look forward to achieving great things. Currently, we are expecting that this cohort will be taking on their SATs in May (Monday 8th May – Thursday 11th May 2023). Your children can look forward to showing off the wonderful skills they have developed over their time in KS2. As well as this, our adventurous Robinwood trip awaits in the summer and more details will be given soon.

Mrs Clayton will be teaching Year 6 on Monday-Wednesday whilst Mr Roberts will be in class on Wednesday-Friday. PE lessons will be taking place on a Monday and a Friday. We are sending home brand new Reading Records and reading books and we look forward to hearing all about the reading your children complete, as well as the spelling practice they accomplish for their spelling tests on a Friday. Times Tables Rock Stars will continue to be an important activity to complete at home too.

Please check this page, Seesaw and Twitter for regular updates on your child's journey through the final year!

Mr Roberts, Mrs Clayton and Miss Grundy
