
St Stephen's CE Primary SchoolTBC


Welcome toSt Stephen's CE Primary SchoolTBC


Spring 1 Topic Web and Curriculum letter

Useful links for phonics practise

Home learning 05.10.20-16.10.20

Please find below videos, lessons and activities to support your child's home learning over the next 2 weeks.

Please email me if you need any help-

Thanks, Miss Lowe

Home leaning activities- 15.10.20

Addition and subtraction

Traction Man's diary

You will need a pencil and piece of paper for this.

Home learning activities- 14.10.20

Subtracting 2 digits

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Traction Man diary plan

Home learning activities- 13.10.20

Adding 2 digit numbers

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Traction Man feelings

You will need a pencil and piece of paper for this activity.

Home learning activities- 12.10.20

Place value recap

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Traction Man is here - Books Alive! Read Aloud children's book

Watch the video then have a go at the questions in the activity attached.

Home learning activities- 09.10.20

Addition and subtraction within 20.

You will need a pencil, piece of paper and 20 small objects.

Diary extract.

Use the template as a guide to write your own diary extract.

Home Learning activities- 08.10.20

Bonds to 100

Watch the video and have a go at the activity. You will need 10 pencils or straws.


Watch the video and choose one of the activities attached.

Verbs activity (choose 1 sheet to complete)

Home Learning activites- 07.10.20

Bonds to 20

Watch the video and record your answers on a piece of paper.

Diary features.

Watch the video and try to find the features.

Home Learning activities- 06.10.20

Bonds to 10

Watch the video then have a go at the activity. Don't worry if you can't print- record your answers on paper.

Number bonds to 10 activity sheet.

Feelings activity

Watch the video then try the activity sheet. Record your sentences on a piece of paper if you don't have a printer.

Reading eggs demo

Hope this helps!

Welcome to Year 2 

We are really excited to share our news with you!

Welcome back Year 2! Miss Lowe and Miss Logan are excited to welcome you back to school and have been busy getting the classroom ready for you :-)

Welcome back to Summer Term 2. Please find below daily lessons and learning activities.

Miss Lowe :-)

Curriculum letter- Summer term 2

Summer Term 2 Topic Web

Learning activities- 17.07.20
Learning activities- 16.07.20

Telling the time 2- 15.07.20

Writing task 2- 15.07.20

Learning activities- 14.07.20

Writing task- 13.07.20

Telling the time-13.07.20

Learning activities 09.07.20

Inference skills 2- 08.07.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Finding a third- 08.07.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Learning activities- 07.07.20

Inference skills-06.07.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Finding quarter- 06.07.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Learning activities- 03.07.20
Learning activities- 02.07.20

Finding half- 01.07.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Suffixes- 01.07.20

Learning activities- 30.06.20

Phase 5 spelling- 29.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Phase 5 spelling and handwriting

Multiplication and division-29.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Multiplication and division sheets- choose 1

Learning activities- 26.06.20
Learning activities- 25.06.20

Division- 24.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Acrostic poem- 24.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Learning activities- 23.06.20

Book review- 22.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Division as sharing- 22.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Learning activities- 19.06.20

Reading comprehension.

Learning activities- 18.06.20

Times tables- 17.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Adverbs- 17.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Adverbs activity (choose one sheet)

Learning activities- 16.06.20

Using the X symbol- 15.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Using the X symbol activity

Verbs- 15.06.20

Verbs activity

Learning activities- 12.06.20
Learning activities- 11.06.20

Traction Man 2- 10.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Equal groups- 10.06.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Learning activities- 09.06.20

Traction Man lesson- 08.06.20

See the attached comprehension questions.

Traction Man is here - Books Alive! Read Aloud children's book

Books Alive! Read aloud Traction Man is here by Mini Grey. The everyday hero performing extraordinary bravery in the realms of the home. All in a days work f...

Traction Man activity

Adding and subtracting- 08.06.20

See the attached word problems.

Adding and subtracting activity

Reading resources

Half term learning task (25.05.20 - 05.06.20)

Learning activities- 22.05.20
Learning activities- 21.05.20

Adding 2, 2 digit numbers- 20.05.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Snail and the Whale 2- 20.05.20

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Whale writing paper

Learning activities- 19.05.20

Snail and the Whale 1- 18.05.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Adding and subtracting 10's- 18.05.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Adding and subtracting 10's activity

Maths and English link- 14.05.20

10 more 10 less- 13.05.20

you will need a pencil and piece of paper.

10 more 10 less activity

Setting description- 13.05.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Setting description templates (choose one)

Maths, English and geography links- 12.05.20

Bonds to 100- 11.05.20

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Adjectives- 11.05.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Adjectives activity

Fact families 06.05.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Punctuation practise 06.05.20

You will need a pencil, piece of paper and an adult for this activity.

Punctuation activity

Learning activities 05.05.20- Have a go to support our science topic 'Plants'.

Counting in 2's, 5's and 10's lesson 04.05.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

counting in 2's, 5's and 10's activity

Punctuation lesson 04.05.20

Have a go at the 'missing punctuation' activity- you will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Learning activities- 01.05.20

Activites to celebrate the achievements of Captain Tom Moore

Learning activities 30.04.20

Useful information for your explorers project

Use this template to research your chosen explorer

Ordering numbers- Maths lesson 29.04.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Ordering numbers activity

Contractions- lesson 2 29.04.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper.

Contractions activity 2

Learning activities- 28.04.20

Handwriting/spelling practise sheets

Spelling practise wordsearch

Contractions lesson- 27.04.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper for this activity.

Contractions activity- match the word pairs to the contractions

Comparing numbers lesson 27.04.20

You will need a pencilo and piece of paper.

Comparing numbers activity

Activites and tasks for 24.04.20

Year 2 common exception words- have a go at using these words in sentences for spelling practise.

Activities and Tasks for 23.04.20
Useful links for our 'Explorers' home learning project (see topic web for more info)

Sentence types lesson 2 22.04.20

You will need a pecil and piece of paper for this activity.

Sentence types activity 2

Place value lesson 2 22.04.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper for this activity.

Learning activities for 21.04.20

Sentence types practise- English lesson 20.04.20

You will need a pencil and piece of paper for this. Watch the video, have a look at the attached reminder and show me your sentences!

Sentence types reminder (have a go at your own sentences by recording them on a piece of paper).

Place value- Maths lesson 20.04.20

Place value recap.

Place value activity (use a pencil and piece of paper for this activity if you do not have a printer)

Science Day!!

For Science Day, Year 2 have been on an expedition to Antarctica! We created a list of things we might need for our journey and then watched a video to see what it would really be like if we went there. After that, we wrote diary entries to describe our experiences. Then we did an experiment to see which materials would keep us warm in Antarctica. We used the results to design a coat, thinking about which materials would be most suitable. We all had a fabulous day!

World Book Day- Book in a box!!

Spring 2 Curriculum News Letter and Topic Web

Mental Health Awareness Week- we made 'potions' to help us find our 'brave' and think about what to do when we are worried about something.

Safer Internet Day- we discussed the personal information we should never share on the internet.

Spring 1 Curriculum Letter and Topic Web

National Poetry Day

Today we learnt a poem as part of National Poetry Day. Our poem is called 'Little Brown Seed'. We will be performing it at our Harvest service in church on Monday 7th October @ 09:30 AM- we hope to see you there!

Please read our latest Year 2 Curriculum letter and Topic web.


Topic Web Summer Term 2

In design and technology, we designed and made our own space buggies. See some of our buggies below.
