
St Stephen's CE Primary SchoolTBC


Welcome toSt Stephen's CE Primary SchoolTBC

Collective Worship

Collective Worship at St Stephen's CE Primary School

At St Stephen's CE School, Collective Worship is a fundamental aspect of our educational ethos. We believe in nurturing the spiritual development of our students and fostering a sense of community and togetherness. Here are some key points about our Collective Worship programme:

  • Weekly Schedule:

    • Tuesday Sessions: Every Tuesday, the entire school comes together for a meaningful Collective Worship session. This is a time for reflection, celebration, and unity.
    • Whole Class Celebration Assembly: We also hold whole class celebration assemblies where parents are invited to join us in recognising and applauding the achievements of our students.
    • Daily Reflections: Throughout the week, students engage in Collective Worship reflections within their classes. This allows for a more intimate and reflective experience on a regular basis.
  • Values Integration:

    • At St Stephen's, our school values are woven into our Collective Worship sessions. Each half term, we focus on a different value, encouraging our students to embody these principles in their daily lives.
  • Parental Involvement:

    • We welcome parents to join us during our whole class celebration assemblies, providing them with an opportunity to witness and participate in the Collective Worship experience alongside their children.


At St Stephen's CE School, Collective Worship is not just a routine activity; it is a cornerstone of our commitment to holistic education, character development, and community engagement. We strive to create a nurturing environment where students can grow spiritually, emotionally, and academically, guided by our shared values and sense of belonging.
